Who has Lydia A Entertainment Clients worked with?

Recent Clients work

  • Social Media work with The D-day juniors

    Since June 2022, Our Lydia Alty has been a member of the D-Day Juniors wartime choir, as a social media helper. She has been honoured to work with the young group and get involved in many projects with the Juniors. Some of her recent work with the Juniors was at Chatham and at Oxford helping with the standing with the Giants project.

  • Nottinghamshire's Co Host

    Our Owen has been annoucd as the Co-Hot of his show Nottinghamshire’s Got Talent 2024. Not only has he been working hard with the talent show but he has also been on the radio!

  • Youngster Alfie joins group

    Young YouTuber Alfie McIntyre joins Lydia A Entertainment. We are delighted to be working with Alfie on video production and helping him level up his amazing YouTube channel. Alfie is our youngest member at age 11.

Big Credits for the founders of our company…

At Lydia A Entertainment you are working with those who have had extensive experience from a young age in the industry. Lydia started Youtube at the age of 13 and Harry started at the age of 6, meaning they technically grew up on the internet!

Lydia Alty’s credits include that of ITV, Bauer Media, Sky News Radio, Bolt Radio, The Right Royal Rewind, Prince George at 10 and The D-Day Juniors to name a few. She has also been a brand representative for brands such as Wandering Wayfarers and Shoreditch Shorties!

Little bro Harry’s credits include Prince George at 10, Splat Productions, and I Played the Career of Series.

We hope they both continue to keep up all the hard work, as we hope all our wonderful clients do. We are honoured to hone the talent of our incredible clients from ALL Departments.